Saturday 18 May, 2024

Starting at 9:00am


Meštrovićevo šetalište 45, Split


Measure Camp is an unconference, which means anyone can host a session and present ideas to peers from the industry. For that reason, at the beginning of the day, the session board is blank, and everyone willing to host a session writes down its information on session cards. The board starts filling in, and the Measure Camp schedule takes shape.

Everyone is welcome to participate, so don’t hesitate to prepare something or improvise on-site. If you already know you’ll host a session at Measure Camp Split and would like it to be promoted, feel free to fill in this form.

Here you’ll find a digital card kindly shared with all Measure Camp participants by David Vallejo, which you can later print and bring to the event.

9:00am - 10:15am

Registration + Breakfast & Coffee

10:15am - 10:45am

MeasureCamp opening

11:00am - 11:30am

Session 1

11:35am - 12:05pm

Session 2

12:10pm - 12:40pm

Session 3

12:40pm - 14:00pm


14:00pm - 14:30pm

Session 4

14:35pm - 15:05pm

Session 5

15:10pm - 15:40pm

Session 6

15:45pm - 16:05pm

Afternoon break

16:10pm - 16:40pm

Session 7

16:45pm - 17:30pm

MeasureCamp closing

19:30pm onwards

MeasureCamp afterparty